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Who We Are

The formation of Association of Singapore Philatelists (ASP) must be credited to the Singapore Stamp Club, the oldest surviving stamp club in Singapore. Formed in 1940, the Singapore Stamp Club was actively involved in philatelic activities, not only locally but internationally. It helped in the establishment of FIAP and also took up membership in FIP pending the formation of a national body in Singapore.


After many years of efforts initiated by the Singapore Stamp Club, particularly by its former President Mr Koh Seow Chuan to bring the various stamp collecting groups and societies together under one national umbrella, the ASP was formally registered and inaugurated on 26 Oct 1989 with a Governing Council comprising a handful of pioneer award winning philatelists and representatives of two Institutional members, viz. Singapore Stamp Club and Singapore Philatelic Society, as core founding members. Mr Koh Seow Chuan was elected as President, with Mr Lu Wing Hee as Vice President and Mr Lim Sa Bee as Secretary. The representatives of Institutional members were Mr Chan Hui Lock, the then President of Singapore Stamp Club, Mr Lim Kim Keng, the then President of Singapore Philatelic Society.

Two other stamp collecting groups, the Kreta Ayer Stamp Society and Chai Chee Stamp Club joined ASP as Associate members. They were represented respectively by Mr Soon Soo Gay, the then President of Kreta Ayer Stamp Society and Mr Ong Howe Kwee, the then advisor of Chai Chee Stamp Club. They too had given strong support towards the formation.


Through the continued efforts of our founders and the Governing Council, ASP has over the years developed a solid track record of successes in the world of philately. ASP successfully hosted three world philatelic exhibitions in Singapore in 1995, 2004 and 2015 (traditionally held once in every 10 years). Our two former Presidents (now Honorary Presidents),

Mr Koh Seow Chuan and Mr Tay Peng Hian served as FIP Presidents (Mr Koh from 2002-2006 and Mr Tay from 2011-2018). A growing pool of ASP members have also been accredited as FIP jurors to judge exhibits at various world exhibitions. Many collections from Singapore have won high awards from Large Vermeil to Large Gold and even Grand Prix D'Honneur. Membership in ASP has grown steadily with the Zui You Philatelic Society being the latest Institutional Member.

Board Members

2024 - 2026

Richard Tan Eng Chuan


Yang Yan Choy


Henry Ong


Patrick Choy


Tan Ah Ee


Wong Chee Keong


Augustine Goh


Zhao Jia

Club Representative of Zui You Philatelic Society

Steven Loy

Internal Auditor

Roger Tan

Vice President

Richard Lim


Richard Lim


Sdiann Ng


Vincent Ong


Dr Yau Khai Weng


Teo Leng Siang

Club Representative of Singapore Philatelic Society

Hong Tuck Kun

Club Representative of Singapore Stamp Club

Seow Shin Horng

Internal Auditor

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